Sunday, March 27, 2016

Remember when I gave you guys a release date for chapter 3?

Hey guys, well, title asks you the good question. So this week I had two midterms for school. As you can tell, I didn't get my writing done for the week, so my story's not ready. It was really a situation that I couldn't control, as there was just so much studying to do. However, I'm back, again, and making sure I get those 400+ words in every single day.

This chapter's a really good one, and I will absolutely have it done before Saturday this week. Sorry about that, but life calls sometimes. Usually I ignore it. However, there are things to do and responsibilities to fulfill. Life is good.

Anyway, this is a short post. Sorry about the delay. Anywho, as always, thanks so much for reading. I really appreciate it. Let me know if I can do anything for you, too. And happy Easter!

-Jake the Jensenator

Monday, March 14, 2016

Chapter 3 release date

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I've been working hard on my story for the past couple weeks and am writing an average of 400 words per day. At this rate, I should be finished with chapter 3 by next week.

Now, this week is spring break, so I have plenty of time to write and reads books, so I plan on using that. Expect a lot more from me this week. However, I'm also moving out of my parents house (finally) and moving into an apartment with my friend in Salt Lake City. So I'll be a little busy with that, but not much of a hinderance.

Also, this last week I've fallen in love even more with writing. Now, that may have to do with the fact that I don't have a girlfriend (forever alone), but I'll take it. Writing is love, writing is life, as the internet would so eagerly say. I guess this scene is rather exciting for me to write and we're getting into the juicier plot of the story, so it's come alive even more for me. So, basically, I'll be done with it next saturday, March 19th. So stay tuned for the next episode of the Suit story (I still have no idea what to call it).

As always, let me know what you think. I'd really like to know what you think of the characters. Specifically, do you like them? Why? Who do you dislike, and why? Are the characters believable, in your opinion? I could use some help with this as I've been trying to develop them even more.

And lastly, thanks for keeping up with me and my story. It's hard work, and it's always good to know that you appreciate it. If you do like it, share it with your friends. I'm shamelessly promoting here, but I could use more followers and could do with expanding my book's fanbase.

Much love, people. Peace out and remember, stay frosty. By which I mean, eat lots of Wendy's frosties.
