Monday, January 25, 2016

PSA #5 or something like that

Good morning/evening/afternoon everyone!

So, you're probably all wondering, what in the world is going on with the "Dat Suit Story" blog? Where is Jake? Why isn't he writing? Or, for the majority, you've completely forgotten my story and are thinking "what should I eat for dinner?" or "how come the world is round?" or some other mumbo-jumbo like that. Well, have no fear, because I'm back... Again!

So, what's been going on is, I've been having a battle with self control. But it's cool now. I've got it under control because, you know, I'm awesome. But really, things are going great with the story. I'm still writing chapter three, which is looking to be of a decent size. Lot's of world-building and character development going on right now.

Plus, I recently decided that I was going to finish writing the first draft of my story by July 1st. So that requires me to write about 600-800 words per day. Certainly not the fastest pace ever, but I'm beginning, so I'll go with it. I should be getting stuff out pretty soon. I'm not entirely sure when I'll be done with this chapter. Could be this week, could be next week. I'm flexible. Literally.

Anyway... Er, anyways... Have you guys heard about the debates people have about the word anyway/anyways? That's another topic for another day. Thanks for reading, and don't die out there.


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